Keweenaw Community Forest Company welcomes inquiries from landowners, neighbors, private foundations, and scientists.
KCFC greatly appreciates and has been built through the generosity of financial and land donations from foundations and individuals. Please contact us if you support KCFC’s mission and would like to contribute. KCFC is a Michigan 501(c)(3) corporation.
Please contact us if you have land or timber management needs. KCFC manages working forest land and conservation areas for clients.
If you have a scientific research proposal with a Keweenaw focus, please contact us. Each year KCFC supports emerging natural science research efforts. Use of KCFC properties and/or financial backing may be provided. Projects selected for 2019 include migratory bird, geology, Native American, and GIS research.
Please contact Gina Nicholas at 906 370-7248 or for more information.